You want to be stronger? 
Curious to compete in powerlifting or style of strongman competitions?
We have everything you need from equipment to coaching and training!

We have competition benches with band attachments, squat racks with band attachments, deadlift platform with band attachments, and a deadlift/rackpull box with band attachments to utilize Conjugate style workouts which we teach and train.  We also have competition style bars for each as well as other specialty bars for each discipline and chains.  We also have a monolift for competition style squats to train in and practice with.  

You'll be lucky to find this wide and diverse offering and teachimg of conjugate anywhere close to us.

We have one current female power lifter who has won the Laura Phelps Womens Pro Am Power lifting meet in her weight class the last 2 years in a row!
In my early years I competed in Bench press competitions.  Since I have studied and trained getting my personal training license as well as hired and trained under Nate Harvey from Elite FTS to learn and be able to coach and train using the Conjugate methodology.

2nd Consecutive Year Weight Class Winner
Impact Power Lifting Wins Comp makes the Paper